Friday, December 18, 2009

Can't wait for RECESS!

Today I walked with Sam and I let Sister Mary Joseph and Father Hutchinson's bad parts go. Today I chose to forgive and move forward. I took them on a walk through leaves making sure to kick and make some noise. I wanted to let them know I am valuable. Unique. Creative too. But, they didn't care, they had their own problems, so I told Sam and she understood. She listened to me and I felt valued. She carried them for me in the forest too and helped me to see gently what I needed to heal. And, I started to feel a bit lighter.

Father Hutchinson had many good things like the candy bars he would give me when I would retreat his paper for him. Or the way he made bible stories come alive. He died in his bed when two robbers tied him down with rope, "Heart attack," they said in the papers. Years later they named the rode up to the church Father Hutchinson. Sister Mary Joseph didn't get something named after her and I couldn't think of anything positive to say about her other than she took Tim Ditchner's side after the fight him and I had. At my 20th year reunion he told me about his home life I was happy she had taken his side, sounded like he had needed it.

I easily cheated in Sister's class room. One time, she said I was creative (it was after I copied my best friends Modern Reading) I started using different highlighters and made it a rainbow of cheat. I didn't care I cheated. In fact I didn't feel bad at all because I felt school was wasting my time. I had better things to do like recess. Now, I never cheated at recess. In fact, it was when I felt the most powerful and free! I was great at everything I did from playing hopscoth and jump rope to kicking the ball over the hill for a homerun! I kept up with the boys at softball and was always picked first. I learned more at recess than in the class room. I learned I could follow the rules and create some of my own. I learned I could always have a good nourishing snack from the Pear tree or Father Hutchinson. I learned I loved movement, and the exercise grounded me. I discovered I was physically strong and natural at winning games. I knew who I wanted on my team to support me. The outside was a natural environment than the inside. Most importantly it was where I could totally Be Myself.

I started thinking HOW could I add the ingredients of recess to all my activities? So that is my question for you. If you didn't like recess recall feeling from an event you did like. How can you reproduce those feelings in a way that is natural and easy for you?

I would love to know!

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